Q. 5 Show accounting equation for the following transactions:
1. Rohit started business with cash Rs 50,000.
2. Bought goods on credit from Manoj Rs 6,000.
3. Cash purchases Rs 5,000.
4. Paid wages Rs 3,000 to Casual labour.
5. Sold goods to Santosh Rs 7,000 on credit.
6. Received Commission Rs 1,000 from Vaishali.


Sr. NoTransactionAssets (Rs)=Liabilities (Rs)+Capital (Rs)
1Rohit started business with cash Rs 50,000.50,000=0+50,000
2Bought goods on credit from Manoj Rs 6,000.50,000=0+50,000
(+) 6,0006,0000
3Cash purchases Rs 5,000.56,000=6,000+50,000
(+) 5,000  
(-) 5,000  
4Paid wages Rs 3,000 to Casual labour.56,000=6,000+50,000
(-) 3000 (-) 3,000
5Sold goods to Santosh Rs 7,000 on credit.53,000=6,000+47,000
(-) 7,000  
(+) 7,000  
6Received Commission Rs 1,000 from Vaishali.53,000=6,000+47,000
(+) 1,000 (+) 1,000