Practical Problem 03

Solution :-           
In the books of Sanjiv & Sons.
Trading and Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31st March 2019
Particulars AmountAmount Particulars AmountAmount 
To Opening Stock 22,000By Sales 4,60,000 
To Purchase 1,78,000 Less: Return2,0004,58,000
Less: Return4,0001,74,000By Closing stock 60,000
To Wages 28,000    
Add: Outstanding 4,00032,000   
To Carrriage  9,000   
To Gross Profit c/d  2,81,000   
  5,18,000  5,18,000
To  Bad debts2,400 By Gross Profit b/d  2,81,000
Add:- Bad Debts2,000 By Commission  2,400
Add:- New R.D.D2,100 By Dividend  3,300
Less:- Old R.D.D-3,2003,300   
To Office expenses 5,400   
To Printing & Stationery 3,000   
To Salaries44,000    
Add :Outstanding2,40046,200   
To Carriage Outward 4,800   
To Interest on Capital  14,000   
To depreciation on :     
Motor Van4,000    

To Advertisement (for 3 year)6,000    
Less : Prepaid 2 years -4,0002,000   
To Net Profit (C/f To Capital) 2,02,800   
  2,86,700  2,86,700

Solution : 

                                            Trading and Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31st March 2019
Particulars AmountAmount Particulars AmountAmount 
To Bank charges  22,000By Gross Profit 4,07,500
To Insurance 35,000By Interest 16,000
To  Sundry expenses 42,000By Commission 17,500
To  Salaries 40,000By Discount  37,000
To  Rates and Taxes 13,000By Misc. Income 14,000
To  Postage 8,000   
To  Advertisement 40,000   
To  Rent paid 32,000   
To  Bad debts 10,000   
To  Printing & Stationery 21,000   
To  Loss by fire 18,000   
To  Discount (Dr) 23,000   
To  Depreciation 34,000   
To  Carriage Outwards 60,000   
To  Godown Expenses 40,000   
To Net Profit C/d  54,000   
  4,92,000  4,92,000