Practical Problem 06

Journalise the following transactions in the books of Nina General Stores
Sep-01 Sold goods of Rs 50,000 at 10% Trade Discount and 10% Cash Discount to Raj and
 received 50% by cheque and 20% by cash.
3Bought goods worth Rs 60,000 from Prashant at 7.5% Trade Discount and half amount
 paid by cash.
5Returned goods worth Rs 550 to Prashant.
7Sold goods worth Rs 90,000 to Ranvir on credit at 10% Trade Discount.
12Received Commission Rs 4,500.
15Received cheque of Rs 80,000 from Ranvir in full settlement of his account.
18Purchased Computer worth Rs 80,000 from Reliance Company by cheque at 28% GST.
22Wages paid Rs 13,000.
23Paid for Life Insurance premium Rs 17,000.
27Sold goods worth Rs 28,000 to Tushar who paid us Rs 18,000 immediately
                                                                                              In the books of Nina General Stores
                                                                                                                Journal Entries
DateParticularL.FDebit Credit
Sep-01Raj A/c …………………………………………………………………………………Dr 13,500 
 Bank A/c ………………………………………………………………………………Dr 20,250 
 Cash A/c ………………………………………………………………………………Dr 8,100 
 Discount Allowed A/c ……………………………………………………….. Dr 3,150 
         To Sales A/c  45,000
 (Being goods sold to Raj at 10% T.D and 10% C.D and Received    
 50% by Cheque & 20% by Cash)   
3Purchase A/c ………………………………………………………………………..Dr 55,500 
          To Cash A/c   27,750
          To Prashant A/c  27,750
 (Being goods purchased from Prashant at 7.5% T.D who Paid   
 half the amout by Cash)   
5Prashant A/c ……………………………………………………………………….Dr 550 
       To Purchase Return A/c  550
 (Being goods returned to prashant)   
7Ranvir A/c…………………………………………………………………………….Dr 81,000 
        To Sales A/c  81,000
 (Being goods sold on credit to ranvir at 10% T.D)   
12Cash A/c ………………………………………………………………………………Dr 4,500 
        To Commission A/c  4,500
 (Being Commission Received)   
15Bank A/c ………………………………………………………………………………Dr 80,000 
 Discount Allowed A/c ……………………………………………………….. Dr 1,000 
        To Ranvir A/c  81,000
 (Being cash recevied in full setelment by ranvir)    
18Computer A/c………………………………………………………………………..Dr  80,000 
  Input CGST A/c………………………………………………………………………Dr 11200 
  Input SGST A/c…………………………………………………………………….Dr 11200 
        To Bank A/c  1,02,400
 (Being computer purchase and amount paid by cheque)    
22Wages A/c……………………………………………………………………………….Dr 13,000 
        To cash A/c  13,000
 (Being wages paid)   
23Drawing A/c…………………..……………………………………………………….Dr 17,000 
        To cash A/c  17,000
 (Being life insurance premium paid)   
27Cash A/c ………………………………………………………………………………Dr 18,000 
 Tushar A/c……..…………………………………………………………………….Dr 10000 
        To sale A/c  28000
 (Being good sold to tushar and some amount partly received)   
 Total 4,27,9504,27,950