Quiz on Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

#1. International Accounting day is observed on ………..

#2. Debit what comes in, Credit what …………………

#3. Debit all ……………….. and credit all incomes and gains

#4. Machinery Account is …………. Account.

#5. Bank of India is a …………… account.

#6. Capital account is a Real account

#7. Loan A/c is a ………. account

#8. Debit the receiver, Credit the …………………

#9. Prepaid Expenses is ………… account.

#10. Deshinama System is another name for …………….. System of accounting.

#11. Goodwill is …………… asset.

#12. Every debit has corresponding ………………………..

#13. Loose Tools account is a ………… account.

#14. Live stock A/c is a …………… account

#15. Income received in advance is a …………… account.

#16. Income – tax account is a …………… account .

#17. In every business transaction there must be minimum ……….. effects.

#18. Conventional system of accounting is……………

#19. Radha’s Account is a type of …………. Account.

#20. Trade Mark A/c is a ………….. account

