
1) Ganesh draws a bill for ₹ 40,260 on 15th Jan. 2020 for 50 days. He discounted the bill with Bank of India @15% p.a. on the same day. Calculate the amount of discount.
Discount = Amount of Bill × (Rate/100) × (Unexpired days/366)
∴ Discount = 40260 × (15/100) × (50/366) 
∴ Discount = ₹ 825
(Note: 2020 is a Leap year, so total number of days = 366 days) 

2) Shefali Traders drew a bill on Maya for ₹ 30,000 on 1st Oct. 2019 payable after 3 months. Calculate amount of discount in the following cases:
i) Shefali Traders discounted the bill on the same day @ 12% p.a.
ii) Shefali Traders discounted the bill on 1st 2019 @ 12% p.a.
iii) Shefali Traders discounted the bill on 1st Dec. 2019 @ 12% p.a.
Discount = Amount of Bill × (Rate/100) × (Unexpired days/366)
(i) Discount = 30000 × (12/100) × (3/12) = ₹ 900
(ii) Discount = 30000 × (12/100) × (2/12) = ₹ 600
(iii) Discount = 30000 × (12/100) × (1/12) = ₹ 300

3) Veena who had accepted Sudha’s bill for ₹ 28,000 was declared bankrupt and only 35 paise in a rupee could be recovered from her estate. Calculate the amount of bad debts.
From Veena, only 35 paise in a rupee could be recovered i.e. 65 paise in a rupee is bad debts for Sudha.
So 65 % of ₹ 28,000
= ₹ 18,200 is the amount of bad debts.

4) Nitin renewed his acceptance for ₹ 72,000 by paying ₹ 22,000 in cash and accepting a new bill for the balance plus interest @ 18% p.a. for 4 months. Calculate the amount of new bill.

 For Nitin, Total outstanding

₹ 72,000

Nitin paid in cash

₹ 22,000

Remaining dues

₹ 50,000

Now, on this ₹ 50,000 we have to calculate interest @ 18 % for 4 months.
Interest = (PRN)/100
∴ Interest = 50000 × (18/100) × (4/12) 
∴ Interest = ₹ 3,000
So, amount of new bill = Remaining dues + Interest
                                          = 50,000 + 3,000
                                          = ₹ 53,000.

5)) Nisha’s acceptance for  16,850 sent to bank for collection was honoured and bank charges debited were  125. Find out the amount actually received by Drawer.
Bill of ₹ 16,850 sent to bank for collection and it is honoured and bank charges = ₹ 125
So, actual amount received by drawer = 16,850 – 125
                                                                        = ₹ 16,725.

6) A bill of 16,000 was drawn by Keshav on Gopal on 12th June 2019 for 2 months. What will be the due date, if all of sudden, the legal due date is declared as an emergency holiday?
Consider immediate or next working day as due date in case the legal due date is declared as emergency holiday.

i.e. Here, it is 12th June, 2019


+ 2 months



+ 3 days of grace





∴ Legal due date is 16th August 2019 (Next day).