Give the word/term/phrase which can substitute the following statement.
1) Debit balance of Realisation account.
Ans:- Realisation Loss
2) Winding up of partnership business.
Ans:- Dissolution of partnership
3) An account opened to find out the Profit or Loss on realisation of Assets and settlement of Liabilities.
Ans:- Realisation A/c
4) Debit balance of an Insolvent Partner’s Capital Account.
Ans:- Capital Deficiency
5) Credit balance of realisation Account.
Ans:- Realisation Profit
6) Conversion of asset into cash on dissolution of firm
Ans:- Realisation
7) Liability likely to arise in future on the happening of certain events
Ans:- Contingent Liabilities.
8) Assets which are not recorded in the books of account
Ans:- Unrecorded Assets
9) The account which shows realisation of assets and discharge of liabilities.
Ans:- Realisation A/c
10) Expenses incurred on dissolution of firm.
Ans:-Dissolution/realisation Expenses