Business Cycle


#1. Which economic indicator is required to predict the turning point of business cycle?

#2. A significant decline in general economic activity extending over a period of time is

#3. Peaks and troughs of the business cycle are known collectively as

#4. The lowest point in the business cycle is referred to as the

#5. Which of the following is the cause of business cycles?

#6. Which of the following does not occur during an expansion?

#7. The trough of a business cycle occurs when _____ hits its lowest point.

#8. The four phases of the business cycle are

#9. Industries that are extremely sensitive to the business cycle are the

#10. Leading economic indicators

#11. Which of the following is not an example of coincident indicator?

#12. According to ________________ trade cycles occur due to onset of innovations

#13. According to Keynes, fluctuations in Economic activities are due to

#14. A variable that tends to move later than aggregate economic activity is called

#15. Business cycle generally originate in free market economies, what is a free market economy?

#16. Which of the following is not a characteristic of business cycles?

#17. Which of the following statements is correct?

#18. . During recession, the unemployment rate ___________ and output ___________.

#19. Which of the following best describes a typical business cycle?

#20. A leading indicator is

#21. When aggregate economic activity is declining, the economy is said to be in

#22. A decrease in government spending would cause

#23. The different phases of a business cycle

#24. Economic indicators are –

#25. Economic recession shares all of these characteristics except

#26. The most probable outcome of an increase in the money supply is

#27. The term business cycle refers to
