#1. The main objective of the plan was …………….

#2. Economic plan means ………… use of sources.

#3. Think tank is a

#4. Chair-person of NITI Aayog is —.

#5. 12th Five Year Plan period –

#6. statements that are true about the planning commission: a) Planning commission was established in 1950. b) The Prime Minister is the Ex- officio chairman of planning commission. c) Economic planning is a time bound programme. d) Economic planning is based on pre-determined objectives.

#7. 12th Five Year Plan focused on the objective of …………….

#8. …………. is the ex officio Chairman of the planning commission.

#9. Statements that are incorrect regarding India’s Five Year Plan. a) The main objective of First Five Year Plan was development of agriculture. b) Social welfare and poverty eradication were the prime objectives of the Seventh Five Year Plan. c) The Second Five Year Plan focused increased on faster and more inclusive growth. d) Development of both agriculture and industry were the main objectives of the third five year plan.

#10. In NITI Aayog full time members are –

#11. In India, economic planning started in the year ………

#12. Statement is true about First Five Year Plan. a) Reduction of poverty. b) Faster sustainable and more inclusive growth. c) Development of agriculture . d) Growth with stability.

#13. Statement is not true regarding NIT1 Aayog. (a) There are 5 full time members.(b) There is a governing council. (c) Special invitees are nominated by the Prime Minister.(d) Chief Executive Officer to be appointed by the President for fixed tenure.

#14. An economic plain must have a ………… limits.

#15. Statement 1 – NIT1 Aavog takes note of dynamic change in the Indian economy. Statement 2 – Considering the economic social and technological differences in under developed distric-, the body plans to implement various programmes and bring about economic changes. a) statement 1 is correct. b) statement 2 is correct. c) statement 2 is the result of statement 1. d) there is no relation between statement 1 and statement 2.

