Identify and explain the concepts from the given illustrations :
1) Baban’s daughter had to be hospitalized due to
weakness caused by undernourishment or lack of
minimum calorie requirement in the intake of food.
1. Identified concept: Absolute poverty.
2. Explanation of concept: Absolute poverty can be defined as the absence of minimum income to satisfy the desired level of the calorie intake of food.
2) Dhanajirao is a wealthy landlord, but his annual
income is relatively less in comparison to
entrepreneur Raobahadur.
1. Identified concept: Relative poverty.
2. Explantation of concept: Relative poverty arises due to the difference in the standard of living due to inequality in income.
3) Urmi’s family live in a situation whereby they are
not able to fulfil even the basic needs of life such as
food, clothing and shelter.
1. Identified concept: Poverty
2. Explanation of concept: Poverty refers to a situation in Which a person is unable to fulfil even the basic needs of life such as food, clothing and shelter due to lack of sufficient income.
4) Sanjay’s family receives food grains on the basis
of yellow ration card through public distribution
1. Identified concept: Food security through tricolour Family Ration Card
2. Explanation of concept: To ensure food security, the government of Maharashtra has introduced Tri colour Family Ration Card. Yellow Colour ration cards are issued only to families who fall under below poverty line (BPL) category.
5) In certain parts of the State, starvation-related
deaths have been observed whereas in certain areas
gross wastage of food has been reported.
1. Identified concept: Economic inequality.
2. Explanation of concept: Economic inequality is inequality in consumption expenditure. assets, agricultural land holdings, etc. arising due to inequality in income.