Complete the Correlation (Weightage 5 Marks)

1. Introduction to Micro and Macro Economics

1) Micro economics : Slicing method : : Macro economics : …………….
Ans:- Lumping method

2) Micro economics : Tree : : Macro economics : …………

3) Macro economic theory : Income and employment : : Micro economics :………….
Ans:- Price Theory

4) Makros : Macro economics : : Mikros :…………………..
Ans:- Micro Economics

5) General equilibrium : Macro economics :: …………………… : Micro economics
Ans:- Partial Equilibrium

2. Utility Analysis

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3 A Demand Analysis

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3 B Elasticity of Demand

1) Perfectly elastic demand : Ed = ∞ :: …………..: Ed = 0
Ans:- perfectly inelastic 

2) Rectangular hyperbola : …………..  ::  Steeper demand curve : Relatively inelastic demand.
Ans:- Unitary elastic

3) Straight line demand curve : Linear demand curve :: ………… : non-linear demand curve.
Ans:- demand curve is convex to the origin

4) Pen and ink : ……….. :: Tea and Coffee : Substitutes
Ans:- Complementary

5) Ratio method : Ed =  %△Q/%△P  :: ……………………. : Ed = Lower segment/ Upper segment
Ans:- Percentage change in quantity demanded/Percentage change in price

4. Supply Analysis

1) Expansion of supply : Price rises :: Contraction of supply :……………
Ans:-Price fall.
2) Total revenue : ……. :: Average revenue : TR/TQ
Ans:- P×Q 
3) Total cost : TFC + TVC :: Average revenue :………..
4) Demand curve : ……….. :: Supply curve : Upward.
Ans:- downward
5) Demand curve : ………. :: Supply curve : Upward.
Ans:- downward

5. Forms of Market

1. Perfect competition : Free entry and exit :: ………… : Barriers to entry.
Ans:- Monopoly

2. Price taker :  …………… :: Price maker :: Monopoly.
Ans:- Perfect competition

3. Single price : Perfect competition :: Discriminated prices : ……….
Ans:- Monopoly.

6. Index Numbers

1. Price Index : Inflation :: …………. : Agricultural production.
Ans:- Quantity Index
2. …….: Base year prices :: p1 : Current year prices
Ans:- P0
3. Laaspeyre’s index : ………….. :: Paasche’s index : Current year quantities.
Ans:- Base year quantities 
4. …………..: Single variable :: Composite index : Group of variables
Ans:- univariate index

7. National Income

1. …… : C + I + G + (X-M) :: GNP : C + I + G + (X-M) + (R-P).
Ans:- GDP

2. Output method : ………. :: Income method : Factor cost method
Ans:- product method or inventory method

3. Theoretical difficulty : Transfer payments :: ………: Valuation of Inventories
Ans:- Practical Difficulty 

8. Public Finance in India

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9. Money Market and Capital Market

1. Money market : Short term funds :: ……………. : Long term funds.
Ans:-Capital market

2. ……..  : Central Bank :: SBI : Commercial Bank
Ans:- RBI

3. Co-operative banks : Organized sector :: Indigenous bankers : …………….. .
Ans:- Unorganized sector

4. Primary market : ………. :: Secondary market : Old issues.
Ans:- New issues 


10. Foreign Trade in India

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