Agree or Disagree:
1) The scope of micro economics is unlimited.
Ans: I disagree with the above statement.
i) The scope of micro economics is limited.
ii) The scope of micro economics is limited to only individual units. It doesn’t deal with nationwide economic problems such as inflation, deflation, the balance of payments, poverty, unemployment, population, etc.
iii) Micro economics is mainly confined to price theory and resource allocation. It does not study the aggregates relating to the whole economy. This approach does not study national economic problems such as unemployment, poverty, inequality of income, etc. Theory of growth, the theory of business cycles, monetary and fiscal policies etc. are beyond the limits of micro economics
2) Macroeconomics deals with the study of individual behavior.
Ans: I Disagree with the above statement.
i) Macroeconomics does not deals with the study of individual behaviour it deals with the whole economy.
ii) Macro economic analysis gives us an idea of the functioning of an economic system.
iii) It helps us to understand the behaviour pattern of aggregative variables in a large and complex economic system.
3) Macroeconomics is different from microeconomics.
Ans: Yes, I agree with the above statement.
Reasons :
(i) Macroeconomics is the study of entire economy whereas on the other hand, microeconomics is a study of the particular segment of an economy.
(ii) Macroeconomics studies aggregate demand, aggregate supply, national income, general price level, etc. On the other hand, micro economics studies individual demand, individual supply, individual income, price determination of particular product, etc.
(iii) Macroeconomics follows general equilibrium analysis. On the other hand, microeconomics follows partial equilibrium analysis.
(iv) Macroeconomics uses a lumping method. On the other hand, microeconomics uses slicing methods. Therefore, macroeconomics is different from microeconomics.
4) Microeconomics uses slicing methods.
Ans: Yes, I agree with the statements.
Reasons :
i) Microeconomics: It is that part of economics that deals with the individual units of the economy.
ii) It takes into account the demand and supply of individual units.
iii) It uses a slicing method because it divides the economy into slices, parts or individual units for the purpose of in-depth study.
5) Micro Economics is known as income theory.
Ans: No, I Disagree with the above statement.
Reasons: –
i) Microeconomics: It is that part of economics that deals with the individual units of the economy.
ii) No, microeconomics is not known as the income theory, rather, it is known as the price theory.
iii) coz as it focuses on determining the prices of commodities and factors of production in the market.