Complete the Sentence (Weightage 5 Marks)

1. Principles of Management

No Question…

2. Functions of Management

1) The tasks of getting the things done by others is known as  ……………….  
Ans:- The tasks of getting the things done by others is known as Management

2) The functions of manager start with ………………..
Ans:- The functions of manager start with Planning.

3) The…………….. of management function initiates action.
Ans:- the directing of management function initiates action.

4) Recruitments are done under…………… function.
Ans:- Recruitments are done under staffing function

5) …………. is a fundamental function of management.
Ans:-  Planning   is a fundamental function of management.

6)………………. integrates departmental activities for achieving the common goal of the organization.
Ans:- Co-ordinating integrates departmental activities for achieving the common goal of the organization

7) …………… is the last function of management.
Ans:- Controlling is the last function of management.


3. Entrepreneurship Development

1) An entrepreneur is a person who starts a ……………………….
Ans:-  An entrepreneur is a person who starts a Business/Enterprise.

2) ‘Start- up’ India initiative was launched in ……………..
Ans:- ‘Start- up’ India initiative was launched in 2016

4. Business Services

1) The term bank comes from the French word …………….
Ans:- The term bank comes from the French word Banco 

2) …………….  warehouses provide facilities for perishable commodities
Ans:- Cold Storage warehouses provide facilities for perishable commodities

3) In, ………….. several ships belonging to one owner are insured under the same policy.
Ans:- In fleet policy, several ships belonging to one owner are insured under the same policy.

4) ……….. banking refers to the use of banking services with the help of mobile phones.
Ans:- Mobile banking refers to the use of banking services with the help of mobile phones.

5. Emerging Modes of Business

1) E-business is an abbreviation for ………….
Ans:- E-business is an abbreviation for electronic business.

2) The term e-business came into existence in the year ………….
ans:- The term e-business came into existence in the year 1997

3) E-business means using the …………. to connect people and process.
Ans:- E-business means using the Internet to connect people and process.

4) E-business is ………….. of e-commerce.
Ans:- E-business is Superset of e-commerce.

5) E-commerce is a ……………. of e-business.
Ans: E-commerce is a Subset of e-business.

6) The process of contracting a business function to specialized agencies is known as ……….. .
Ans:- The process of contracting a business function to specialized agencies is known as Outsourcing.


6. Social Responsibilities of Business

1) Business organisation can maximize profitability by ____________ wastage.
Ans: A business organisation can maximize profitability by Minimizing wastage.

2) Social responsibility is broader than ____________ responsibility.
Ans :Social responsibility is broader than Legal responsibility.

3) The concept of trusteeship was propounded by ____________.
Ans : The concept of trusteeship was propounded by Mahatma Gandhi.

4) Business should earn ____________ profit.
Ans :The business should earn Reasonable profit.

5) ____________ should be fixed according to the nature and importance of work.
Ans :Remuneration should be fixed according to the nature and importance of work.

6) The word ‘Ethics’ is derived from the Greek word ____________
Ans :The word ‘Ethics’ is derived from the Greek word ‘ Ethos.

7. Consumer Protection

1) The National Commission is to be established by the ________ Government.
Ans : 
National Commission is to be established by the Central Government.


2) Any person who does not agree with the decision of the District Commission can appeal to the__________________.
Ans : 
Any person who does not agree with the decision of the District Commission can appeal to the State Commission.


3) State commission has ____________members.
Ans : 
State commission has four members.


4) The President of the National Commission is a ____________ judge.
Ans : 
The President of the National Commission is a Supreme Court judge.


5) National Commission entertains complaints of the consumer for compensation that exceeds Rs __________________.
Ans : 
National Commission entertains complaints of the consumer for compensation that exceeds Rs ten crore.

 6) The consumer protection Act established ____________ Tier quasi-judicial systems for consumer protections exists.
Ans : 
The consumer protection Act established three Tier quasi-judicial systems for consumer protections exists.

8. Marketing

  1. …………  is the place where transaction of buying and selling of goods and services take place in exchange for money or money’s worth.
    Ans:- Market is the place where transaction of buying and selling of goods and services take place in exchange for money or money’s worth.

  2. …………..  refers to a market situation when there is a single buyer of a commodity or service.
    Ans:- Monopoly refers to a market situation when there is a single buyer of a commodity or service.
  1. ………. is a slip which is found on the product and provides all the information regarding the product and its producer.
    Ans:- Label is a slip which is found on the product and provides all the information regarding the product and its producer.