Give one word / phrase / term for the following sentences.

1) Organisations which are owned by individual or group of individuals.
Ans:- Private sector Organisations

2) Organisations which are owned by government.
Ans:- Public sector Organisations

3) The sector which aims at profit maximization.
Ans:- Private sector

4) The sector which aims at providing reliable services to customers.
Ans:- Public sector Organisation

5) Organisations which are owned, financed, managed and controlled by government or combination of governments.
Ans:- Public sector Organisation

6) The organisation which is owned, managed, controlled and financed by government.
Ans:- Departmental Organisation

7) The oldest form of business organisation under public sector.
Ans:- Departmental Organisation

8) The organisation which performs it’s all activities as an integral part for government only.
Ans:- Departmental Organisation

9) The organisation which is financed through annual budget appropriations made by the legislature.
Ans:- Departmental Organisation

10) The organisation in which there is direct and absolute control of government over the enterprise
Ans:- Departmental Organisation.

11) An autonomous corporate body created by the Special act of the parliament or state legislature with defined powers, functions and duties.
Ans:- Statutory Corporation

12) An organisation which is answerable to parliament or state assembly whosoever creates it.
Ans:- Statutory Corporation

13) An organisation which is not subject to the budget, accounting and audit controls by the Govt.
Ans:- Statutory Corporation