Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.

1) Departmental Organisation is financed through ………. appropriations made by the legislature. 
a) annual budget   b) monthly budget    c) quarterly budget
Ans:- a) annual budget

2) A ………. is an autonomous corporate body created by the Special Act of the parliament or state legislature.
a) statutory corporation b) government company c) MNC
Ans:- a) statutory corporation

3) A statutory corporation is answerable to ………. or state assembly whosoever creates it.
a) parliament      b) public    c) employees
Ans:- a) parliament 

4) In government company minimum ……….% paid up capital is held by government.
a) 51   b) 41   c) 31
Ans:- a) 51 

5) The shares of government company are purchased in the name of ………. .
a) President of India   b) Chief Minister   c) Defense Minister
Ans:- a) President of India 

6) Government on the advice of ………. appoints auditor of government company.
a) Comptroller and Auditor General of India   b) auditor   c) chartered accountant
Ans:- Comptroller and Auditor General of India 

7) A Government company is a ………. entity separate from the Government.
a) natural     b) legal    c) human
Ans:- b) legal

8) ………. Company has public accountability.
a) MNC    b) Private   c) Government
Ans:- c) Government

9) MNCs are powerful ………. entities.
a) economical   b) political   c) social
Ans:- a) economical