Answer in brief.
1) State any four features of NABARD.
Features of NABARD:
1. Apex Bank: NABARD acts as an apex bank for meeting the credit needs of all types of financial institutions working 1n the field of agricultural and rural development. It works to frame policies and guidelines for rural financial institutions in India. It provides credit facilities to institutes working in agricultural finance.
2. Refinancing Facilities: It provides refinancing facilities to State Co-operative Banks (SCBs), Land Development Banks (LDBs), Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), and other approved financial institutions for financing rural economic activities. It also provides short-term, medium-term, and long term credit to these institutes.
3. Provides Credit for Rural Development: It takes initiatives in the development and promotion of different activities in rural areas by providing funds to State governments. It also provides refinancing for the Upliftment of weaker sections of the society. It also works on the improvement of small and minor irrigation by way of promoting agricultural activities.
4. Financing Rural Industries: It provides refinancing facilities to small scale industries and other village and cottage industries. It provides loans to commercial and co-operative banks to promote rural employment. It organizes skill and entrepreneurship development programs to promote an entrepreneurial culture among rural youth and encourage them to start enterprises in rural areas.
2) State any four objectives of KVIC
Objectives of KVIC:
1. Development of Khadi and Other Village Industries: KVIC is actively working for planning, promotion and production of khadi as well as in setting up of village and rural industries in India. It identifies the potential for the development of rural industries and undertakes the valuable task of promoting and developing locally operating village enterprises.
2. Special Objective: KVIC has a special objective of providing employment. It gives emphasis on utilizing the locally available raw materials and human skills to generate non-farm employment opportunities in rural areas. It plays the role of coordinator with other agencies engaged in rural development.
3. Economic Objective: KVIC is actively working for planning, promotion and production of khadi as well as in setting up of village and rural industries in India. KVIC receives funds from the Ministry of MSMEs for the effective implementation of various programs and schemes. It helps in producing saleable articles that help the economic development of the country.
4. Wider Objective: It has a wider objective of creating self-reliance amongst the poor and building up of a strong rural community spirit.
3) Write any four features of World Bank.
Features of World Bank:
1. Organization and Structure: The organization of the bank consists of the Board of Governors, the Board of Executive Directors and the Advisory Committee, the Loan Committee, and the President and other staff members. All the powers of the bank are vested in the Board of Governors which is the supreme policy-making body of the bank. The board consists of one Governor and an Alternate Governor appointed for five years by each member country. The Board of Executive Directors consists of 21 members, 6 of them are appointed by the six largest shareholders, namely USA, UK, Germany, France, Japan, and India. The rest of the 15 members are elected by the remaining countries.
2. Goals: The World Bank Group has two goals to be achieved by 2030. (a) To end extreme poverty by decreasing the percentage of people living on less than 1.90 dollars a day to no more than 3%. (b) To promote shared prosperity by fostering the income growth of the bottom 40% for every country.
3. Innovative Knowledge Sharing: World Bank offers support to developing countries through policy, advice, research and analysis, and technical assistance. Analytical works of the World Bank often help developing countries. It also helps in the capacity development of developing countries. World Bank also sponsors, hosts, or participates in many conferences and forums on issues of development.
4. Social Development: Social Development focuses on the need to “put people first” in the development process. The World Bank work with governments, communities, civil societies, the private sector, and the marginalized for the cause of social development. Social Development promotes economic growth and leads to a higher quality of life. ‘
4) Describe any two features of self-help Group.
Features of Self Help Groups:
1. Democratic Set up: SHG is a group of the members, for the members and by the members. Every member of the group actively participates in the functioning of SHGs. Members are responsible for their own future by organizing themselves into SHGs. They elect or select leaders for the proper functioning of the group. The leader is responsible for holding regular meetings and maintaining records and accounts of the group.
2. Collateral Free Loan: SHGs provide small loans to poor individuals for undertaking self-employment projects. Loans are given on the principle of mutual trust and either minimum or no documentation. Generally, the rate of interest is higher than the interest charged by banks. It saves the poor individuals from the clutches of local money lenders. The repayment of loans is ensured timely as all members of the group are responsible for collecting repayment amounts from the members who borrowed the loan.
5) Describe any two features of SIDBI.
Features of SIDBI:
1. Financial Institute for Promotion of MSMEs: SIDBI is established to provide short term and long term finance to the MSMEs. It is the principal financial institution for micro, small, and medium sector units. It also coordinates the functions of institutions engaged in financing MSME’s. It provides refinance to Banking and Non-Banking Financial Companies to increase the supply of credit to MSMEs.
2. Advisory Function: SIDBI also works as an advisor and mentor of MSMEs. It helps MSMEs in expanding marketing channels for the products both in domestic as well as international markets. It also initiates steps for modernization and technological upgradation of current units.