Answer in one sentence.

1) What is SIDBI?
Ans:- SIDBI is the Small Industrial Development Bank of India, which takes initiative to resolve the financial and nonfinancial hurdles of MSMEs.

2) What do you mean by NABARD?
Ans:- NABARD is a National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, which was formed with an objective to provide and regulate credit and other facilities for the development of agriculture, small scale industries, cottage village industries, handicraft, and other rural crafts and allied economic activities.

3) What is meant by Grameen Bank?
Ans:- The bank which gives small loans to landless poor women to promote self-employment is called Grameen Bank.

4) What is SHG?
Ans:- SHG is a small group of homogeneous individuals who come together with the objective of creating a common fund through savings and meet members’ emergency needs by providing collateral-free loans.

5) What do you mean by world Bank?
Ans:- The World Bank is an international organization dedicated to providing finance, advice, and research to developing nations.

6) What is MSME’s?
Ans:- MSME’S are Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, which play an important role in promoting entrepreneurship among women and economically weaker section in the country.

7) What is Udyami Mitra?
Ans:- ‘Udyami Mitra’ is the digital portal launched by SIDBI, to improve the accessibility of credit and handholding services to MSMEs.