Answer in one sentence.

1) What is an Economic Activity?
Ans:- Activity done for earning money is an economic activity.

2) What is Non-economic Activity?
Ans:-Activities are done to satisfy human wants other than monetary demands.

3) What do you mean by Wholesale Trade?
Ans:- Trade conducted on large scale is wholesale trade.

4) What is the meaning of Retail Trade?
Ans:- Trade conducted on small scale is retail trade.

5) What do you mean by Import Trade?
Ans:- When the goods or services are bought from other countries, to the home country it is called import trade.

6) What is the meaning of Export Trade?
Ans:- When the goods or services are sold to other countries, form home country it is called export trade.

7) What is an Entrepot Trade?
Ans:- Goods brought 1n the country from one country and sold to some other country, it is called entrepot trade.

8) What is meant by Auxiliaries to Trade?
Ans:- Auxiliaries to trade are the services which help the smooth conduct of trade

9) What is Trade?
Ans:- Buying and selling of goods and services are called trade.

10) What do you mean by Commerce?
Ans:- Commerce is a part of business activity which is concerned with the distribution of goods and services.

11) What is Primary Industry?
Ans:- An industry which depends upon nature for production is called primary industry.

12) What is Secondary Industry?
Ans:- An industry which depends upon Primary Industry called Secondary industry.

13) What do you mean by Genetic Industry?
Ans:- Genetic industry means the industry engaged in reproduction and multiplication of plants.