Quiz on Introduction to Commerce and Business

#1. Buying and selling of goods within the boundaries of the same country is known as ……………

#2. Commerce is a branch of …………

#3. …………. industry is related with drawing of goods from beneath the earth.

#4. An employee gets a fixed return known as …………..

#5. Buying the goods in raw form from a foreign country and selling the same to another country in the finished form is called …….. trade.

#6. Return in business is called

#7. Aim of business is to earn ……….

#8. Difficulty of finance is solved by …………..

#9. Warehousing creates ………… utility in goods.

#10. …………… is an activity where a person has to work under a contract of service.

#11. Actual buying and selling of goods is known as ……..

#12. A business unit depends upon …………… for selling its output.

#13. The supportive agencies to trade transactions are known as ……………

#14. Place utility is created by ……………

#15. A lawyer is ……………..

#16. National level code of conduct is prepared for ………………

#17. Industry creates ……………

#18. The problem of distance is solved by…………….

#19. Buying and selling goods between the two countries is known as …………….

#20. Construction of dams is an activity done under …………. industry.

#21. The activity that removes difficulty of risk is ………….

#22. …………………. mainly related with the production of goods.

#23. The business activity concerned with the distribution of goods and services is known as …………..

#24. Raw material is converted into finished product by …………… industry.

#25. Buying goods and services from foreign countries for home consumption is called ………… trade.

