Quiz on Trade
#1. ………… industries play an important role in developing countries.
#2. Occurring obscured idea in mind of entrepreneur is ……………. stage of estabilishing.
#3. India is ……….. abundant country.
#4. …………….. is a necessary step of running a business as it generates is revenue.
#5. Small scale industries make use of ……….. resources to great extent.
#6. Small scale industries contribute nearly ………… to the industrial exports of the country.
#7. No business can be created with ………….. capital.
#8. …………… is the lifeblood of the enterprise.
#9. Small scale business are …………. intensive.
#10. ……….. cost of power acquisition, frequent power cuts, irregular supply of power affect the productivity of SSI.
#11. Before setting up business, it is essential to study prevailing ……………… environment.
#12. Business is classified into manufacturing sector and ………………….
#13. Prevailance of ………. in small industries has become point of worry to for small scale entrepreneurs.
#14. The problem ……….. of has been becoming more serious in India.
#15. Small scale Industry have ………… gestation period.