Justify the following statements.

1) Wholesaler sells goods in large quantities.
(I) Wholesaler buys goods in large quantities from the manufacturer and sells it to the retailers according to their orders.
(II) Thus, wholesaler sells goods in large quantities.

2) Wholesaler maintains price stability.
(I) A wholesaler is both a buyer and a seller.
(II) He is in a position to maintain price stability by balancing supply and demand factors.
(III) By supplying regular goods to the retailer, he solves the risk of shortage and price fluctuation is reduced.
(IV) Thus, wholesaler maintains price stability.

3) Retailers provide home delivery of goods to customers.
(I) Retailer is a person who buys goods on smaller quantities.
(II)Retailer provides home delivery of goods to customer at nominal cost or free of cost.
(III) This helps them to improve relations with the customers and maintain permanent relations with the customers.
(IV) Thus, retailer provide home delivery of goods to customers.

4) Wholesaler performs various marketing function.
Ans:- I) The wholesaler carries various marketing functions like warehousing, advertisings, sales promotion, etc. on behalf of the manufacturers.
(II) They also perform various marketing functions like assembling, warehousing, transporting, grading, packing, advertising and financing.
(III) These functions help the retailers and a manufacturers as they can concentrate on the production and selling activities.
(IV) Thus, wholesaler performs various marketing functions.

5) Authorized dealer do not have other products of other manufacturers.
(I) An authorized dealer only deals with one line of products from one-manufacturers.
(II) They do not have products of other manufacturers.
(III) They promote the goods by providing window display, advertising and also having attractive schemes for selling the goods.
(IV) Thus, authorized dealer do not have other product of other manufacturers.

6) General stores are generally situated near residential areas.
(I) General Stores are found in residential areas and offer shopping convenience to the customers.
(II) They deal in wide variety of goods.
(III) They deal with day to day useful goods.
(IV) Thus, general stores are generally situated near residential areas.

7) Departmental store has centralized management system.
(I) Departmental stores are generally established by joint stock companies.
(II) Various departments which look like specialized shops are controlled and managed by single management.
(III) The management of departmental store is centralized. (IV) All departmental store is centralized.
(V) All departments are independent but they are centrally owned managed are controlled. (VI) Thus, departmental store has centralized management system.

8) Packing plays an important role in selling the product in the supermarket.
(I) Departmental stores are generally established by joint stock companies.
(II) Various departments which look like specialized shops are controlled and managed by single management.
(III) The management of departmental store is centralized.
(IV) All departmental store is centralized.
(V) All departments are independent but they are centrally owned managed are controlled.
(VI) Thus, departmental store has centralized management system.

9) Chain stores sell a limited range of goods.
(I) Each branch of a chain store deals in the same commodity or in the same line of products.
(II) This enables the store to give better guidelines to the customers,
(III) Thus, chain store sell a limited range of goods.

10) There is no scope for bargaining in one price shop.
(I) The goods are priced at one price which is fixed.
(II) There is a fixed and uniform price.
(III) The price are fixed in advance, so there is no scope for bargaining.
(IV) Thus, there is no scope for bargaining in one price shop.