Distinguish between

1) Planning and organizing




1. Meaning

Planning is deciding in advance what to do how to do it, when to do it and who is to do it.

Organizing is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the enterprise and establishing the authority relationships among them.

2. Objective

To set goals and choosing the means to achieve these goals.

To identify and bring together all the required resources.

3. Area of function

It includes setting objectives by identifying the ways of attaining the goal and selecting the best plan.

It includes identification and grouping of activities, assigning the work, and establishing the authority relationship

4. Factors

Internal and External factors are considered in the planning process.

Internal and external factors are considered in the arrangement of resources.

5. Order

It is the basic first function of the management process

It is based on planning.

6. Resources

Planning is done as per the requirement and availability of resources.

All available resources i.e. men, money, material, machine, and method are arranged in a systematic manner.

7. Nature

It is continuous in nature. It exists in the whole life of an organization.

It takes place till the time all the resources are collected and arranged.

8. level of Management

Top management is concerned with planning the activities.

Top and middle-level management related with organizing the required resources.

2) Organizing and staffing




1. Meaning

Organizing is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the enterprise and establishing the authority relationships among them.

The staffing function pertains to the recruitment, selection, development, training, and compensation of subordinate managers.

2. Objective

To identify and bring together all the required resources.

To appoint the right type of people in the right positions and the right time.

3. Area of function

It includes identification and grouping of activities, assigning the work, and establishing the authority relationship.

It includes recruitment, selection, training, development, and compensation of human resources.

4. Factors

Internal and external factors are considered in the arrangement of resources.

Staffing is mostly concerned with internal factors.

5. Order

It is based on planning.

It follows the organizing function.

6. Resources

All available resources i.e. men, money, material, machine, and method are arranged in a systematic manner.

It is the process relating to the organization of human resources.

7. Nature

It takes place till the time all the resources are collected and arranged.

It is a continuous process as it deals with employees i.e. human resources.

8. level of Management

Top and middle-level management are related to organizing the required resources.

Middle-level management is related to recruitment, training, and selection Top level is concerned with promotion and compensation.

3) Staffing and directing




1. Meaning

The staffing function pertains to the recruitment, selection, development, training, and compensation of subordinate managers.

Directing is the guidance inspiration, the leadership of those men and women constitute the real case responsibilities of management.

2. Objective

To appoint the right type of people in the right positions and the right time.

To direct the subordinates to get the things done in the right manner.

3. Area of function

It includes recruitment, selection, training, development, and compensation of human resources.

It includes instructing, guiding, inspiring, communicating and motivating the human resources.

4. Factors

Staffing is mostly concerned with internal factors.

Directing is concerned directly with internal factors i.e. human resources.

5. Order

It follows the organizing function.

It follows organizing and staffing for the execution of planning.

6. Resources

It is the process relating to the organization of human resources.

It gives direction to the employees regarding the use of other resources.

7. Nature

It is a continuous process as it deals with employees i.e. human resources.

This continuous process is necessary for the process of achievement of the goals.

8. level of Management

Middle-level management is related to recruitment, training, and selection Top level is concerned with promotion and compensation.

Middle-level management is involved in directing the employees.

4) Directing and controlling




1. Meaning

Directing is the guidance inspiration, the leadership of those men and women constitute the real case responsibilities of management.

Controlling is the process of taking steps to bring actual results and desired results closer together.

2. Objective

To direct the subordinates to get the things done in the right manner.

To ensure that the objectives are achieved according to the plan.

3. Area of function

It includes instructing, guiding, inspiring, communicating, and motivating human resources.

It includes setting up of standards, measurement, and comparison with actual performance and taking corrective steps whenever necessary.

4. Factors

Directing is concerned directly with internal factors i.e. human resources.

Internal and external factors are taken into account for taking corrective action.

5. Order

It follows organizing and staffing for the execution of planning.

It is an end function of the management process.

6. Resources

It gives direction to the employees regarding the use of other resources.

It is related to all organizational resources which help to achieve the goal of the organization.

7. Nature

This continuous process is necessary for the process of achievement of the goals.

It is the process that starts once the actual plan is executed.

8. level of Management

Middle-level management is involved in directing the employees.

Top and middle-level management are responsible for controlling the activities.

5) Co-ordinating and controlling




1. Meaning

Coordination is an orderly arrangement of group efforts to provide unity of action in the pursuit of a common goal.

Controlling is the process of taking steps to bring actual results and desired results closer together.

2. Objective

To ensure the harmony of efforts of the employees for the smooth functioning of the organization.

To ensure that the objectives are achieved according to the plan.

3. Area of function

It includes integration of efforts of top-level, middle level, and lower level.

It includes setting up of standards, measurement, and comparison with actual performance and taking corrective steps whenever necessary.

4. Factors

It is the harmonization of human resources.

Internal and external factors are taken into account for taking corrective action.

5. Order

It is an important element of organizing which follows planning.

It is an end function of the management process.

6. Resources

It is related to human resources.

It is related to all organizational resources which help to achieve the goal of the organization.

7. Nature

This is a continuous process related to all managerial levels.

It is the process that starts once the actual plan is executed.

8. level of Management

It is related to all the levels of management to achieve the goal of organization.

Top and middle-level management are responsible for controlling the activities.

6) Planning and Controlling




1. Meaning

Planning is deciding in advance what to do how to do it, when to do it and who is to do it.

Controlling is the process of taking steps to bring actual results and desired results closer together.

2. Objective

To set goals and choosing the means to achieve these goals.

To ensure that the objectives are achieved according to the plan.

3. Area of function

It includes setting objectives by identifying the ways of attaining the goal and selecting the best plan.

It includes setting up of standards, measurement, and comparison with actual performance and taking corrective steps whenever necessary.

4. Factors

Internal and External factors are considered in the planning process.

Internal and external factors are taken into account for taking corrective action.

5. Order

It is the basic first function of the management process.

It is an end function of the management process.

6. Resources

Planning is done as per the requirement and availability of resources.

It is related to all organizational resources which help to achieve goal of organization.

7. Nature

It is continuous in nature. It exists in the whole life of organization.

It is the process that starts once the actual plan is executed.

8. level of Management

Top management is concerned with planning the activities.

Top and middle-level management are responsible for controlling the activities.

7) Organising and Directing




1. Meaning

Organizing is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the enterprise and establishing the authority relationships among them.

Directing is the guidance inspiration, the leadership of those men and women constitute the real case responsibilities of management.

2. Objective

To identify and bring together all the required resources.

To direct the subordinates to get the things done in the right manner.

3. Area of function

It includes identification and grouping of activities, assigning the work, and establishing the authority relationship.

It includes instructing, guiding, inspiring, communicating, and motivating human resources.

4. Factors

Internal and external factors are considered in the arrangement of resources.

Directing is concerned directly with internal factors i.e. human resources.

5. Order

It is based on planning.

It follows organizing and staffing for the execution of planning.

6. Resources

All available resources i.e. men, money, material, machine, and method are arranged in a systematic manner.

It gives direction to the employees regarding the use of other resources.

7. Nature

It takes place till the time all the resources are collected and arranged.

This continuous process is necessary for the process of achievement of the goals.

8. level of Management

Top and middle-level management are related to organizing the required resources.

Middle-level management is involved in directing the employees.

8) Organizing and Co-ordinating




1. Meaning

Organizing is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the enterprise and establishing the authority relationships among them.

Coordination is the orderly arrangement of group efforts to provide unity of action in the pursuit of a common goal.

2. Objective

To identify and bring together all the required resources.

To ensure the harmony of efforts of the employees for the smooth functioning of the organization.

3. Area of function

It includes identification and grouping of activities, assigning the work, and establishing the authority relationship.

It includes integration of efforts of top-level, middle level, and lower level.

4. Factors

Internal and external factors are considered in the arrangement of resources.

It is the harmonization of human resources.

5. Order

It is based on planning.

It is an important element of organizing which follows planning.

6. Resources

All available resources i.e. men, money, material, machine, and method are arranged in a systematic manner.

It is related to human resources.

7. Nature

It takes place till the time all the resources are collected and arranged.

This is a continuous process related to all managerial levels.

8. level of Management

Top and middle-level management related with organizing the required resources.

It is related to all the levels of management to achieve the goal of the organization.