Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentence.
1) Social responsibility is a narrower term than legal responsibility of business.
Ans : Social responsibility is broader term than the legal responsibility of business.
2) All sorts of fair practices related to stock exchange should be avoided.
Ans :All sorts of unfair practices related to stock exchange should be avoided.
3) Management and union should agree strikes and lockouts protect the interest of both the parties.
Ans :Management and union should ban strikes and lockouts to protect the interest of both parties.
4) MRP (Maximum Retail Price) should not be printed on every packet.
Ans : MRP (Maximum Retail Price) should be printed on every packet.
5) Dishonest advertising can be appreciated by customers in the long run.
Ans : Honest advertising can be appreciated by customers in the long run.
6) Financial help should be provided by business organizations for anti-social activities.
Ans : Financial help should not be provided by business organizations for anti-social activities.
7) Business ethics is a compulsory term.
Ans : Business ethics is a voluntary term.
8) Business ethics is not a relative term.
Ans :Business ethics is a relative term.
9) Social values are based on perceptions of right or wrong.
Ans :Moral values are based on perceptions of right or wrong.
10) Moral values provide general guidelines for social conduct.
Ans :Social values provide general guidelines for social conduct.