Answer in brief.

1) Explain any four essentials of effective communication.
Essentials of effective communication:
(1) Listening: Listening is an important aspect of effective communication. Listening means hearing and understanding carefully what other person is saying to you. Effective communication requires active listening. A person can respond correctly and appropriately if he understands the message of another person.
(2) Body language: Body language is a type of non-verbal communication in which physical behaviours, as opposed to words, are used to express or convey information. Effective communication is possible if body language helps to convey words and meaning. Facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movements, touch and use of space, etc. are the important factors of body language.
(3) Clear and Concise: Effective communication is possible if the message conveyed is clear, concise, and direct. Message to be conveyed should be brief and to the point. It should avoid any irrelevant details, roundabout sentences, redundant words, etc. To avoid any misunderstanding, confusion, or ambiguity message should be written with clarity of thought and languages. Sentences should be short and words should be simple and familiar.
(4) Personable: Effective communication requires the creation of a personal touch in communication. In face-to-face conversation or communication we have to use a friendly tone and ask personal questions. This will help to create a personal touch.

2) State any four essentials of goods business letter.
Essentials of good business letter are:
(1) Clarity: The term ‘clarity’ means clearness of expression. Clarity is the soul of a business letter. To avoid any misunderstanding, confusion, or ambiguity, business letters should be written with clarity of thought and language. For this purpose, the sentences should be short, correct clear and words should be simple and familiar Also the arrangement of sentences and paragraphs should be logical.
(2) Conciseness: The term ‘concise’ means brief and to the point. A good business letter must be brief and to the point. It should avoid any unnecessary or irrelevant details, round about sentences redundant words. Etc. Brief letter Saves the time of the reader and becomes more emotive.
(3) Completeness: A business letter should be complete in every sense besides giving full information to the addressee a letter must answer all the points raised by him. This enables him to wake suitable action. A letter without date or signature is considered incomplete. An incomplete letter creates confusion fails to achieve desired results and delays action.
(4) Courtesy: Courtesy refers to politeness and good manners. The language of a business letter must be polite, convincing, and unoffending. Harsh, rude words, insulting tone, or remarks must be avoided. The use of words likes to please, very kind of you much obliged, thankful to you, etc. creates a good impression on the reader. The letter may be firm but the tone must be courteous. A courteous letter builds up the goodwill and image of the organisation.