Quiz on Company Meetings - I

#1. Provisions about resolutions are contained in …………. of a company Articles of Association

#2. A proxy can vote only in the case of voting by …………..

#3. The chairman can use casting vote ……………..

#4. A …………. is the proposal put before the meeting for discussion and decision.

#5. The right of casting vote is given to the ……………..

#6. For passing an ordinary resolution ………….. are necessary.

#7. ………… resolutions are not passed in general meeting.

#8. Minutes must be recorded within …………. days of the conclusion of the meeting.

#9. The notice of the general meeting must be sent to all members …… clear days before the meeting.

#10. A copy of special resolution must be filed with the Registrar within ……… days of conclusion of meeting.

#11. The appointment of an auditor requires ……………..

#12. For passing special resolution …………….. majority is required

#13. The person who presides over the meeting is known as …………

#14. The intimation to members stating the day, date, time and place of meeting is known as ……………

#15. For alterations in the Articles of Associations ………….. is required.

#16. When a poll is demanded it must be taken within …………… hours.

