Select the correct answer from the options given below and rewrite the statements.

1) The secretary has to prepare ………………. before the meeting.
a) resolution   b) notice    c) minutes
Ans:- b) notice

2) General Meeting must have a notice of at least …………… clear days.
a) 7    b) 21   c) 14
Ans:- b) 21

3) The gap between two annual general meetings should not be more than ………….. months.
a) 15    b) 18    c) 24
Ans:-a) 15

4) Auditor is appointed in ……………….. .
a) Annual General Meeting    b) Creditors Meeting    c) Extra ordinary General Meeting
Ans:-a) Annual General Meeting

5) The business transacted in extra ordinary general meeting is ………………. business.
a) Ordinary   b) Routine  c) Special
Ans:- c) Special

6) An extra ordinary general meeting is held ………………….. .
a) once in a year   b) once in the life time   c) under special circumstances
Ans:-c) under special circumstances

7) Writing the minutes of meeting is the duty of the …………………. .
a) Chairman    b) Director   c) Secretary
Ans:-c) Secretary

8) New Directors in place of retiring Directors are appointed in the ………….. .
a) Class Meeting    b) Annual General Meeting    c) Creditors Meeting
Ans:-b) Annual General Meeting

9) Before the Annual General Meeting is held the Secretary has to compile ………………… .
a) Auditor’s Report   b) Committee Report   c) Annual Report
Ans:-c) Annual Report

10) The Secretary has to draft the minutes of the meeting within ……………. days of the meeting.
a) Fifteen    b) Sixty    c) Forty
Ans:-a) Fifteen