Quiz on Correspondence with Directors

#1. The Secretary must always provide extra …… information.

#2. Every Company except OPC and small company shall hold minimum ……… Board meetings in each year.

#3. Minimum ………… meetings of Board of Directors must be held every year.

#4. …………. looks after the management of a Company.

#5. Representatives of Shareholders are ……………

#6. ………… means providing maximum extra information in minimum words.

#7. Directors are ………… of the Company extra.

#8. According to Sec. 167 (1) (b) of the Companies Act, 2013 if a director absents himself from all the meetings of the Board, for a period of ………… months or more, with or without the leave of the Board, he shall be deemed to have vacated his office.

#9. The gap between two consecutive Board meetings should not be more than days.

#10. A Meeting of the Board shall be called by giving not less than …………….. days notice along with agenda in writing to every Director at his address registered with the company.

#11. The Directors take decisions at …………. meetings.

#12. The first meeting of the Board of Directors should be held within ……….. days from the date of its incorporation.

#13. The notice of the meeting of the Board of Directors must be accompanied by ……………

