Attempt the following
1) Write a letter to ROC seeking extension of time to hold the AGM.
Registered office : Moon House,
Civil Road, Vashi, Mumbai – 400 709
CIN : L 26942 MH 2010 PLC 000111
Phone : 022 2212 5745, website : www.,
Fax no: 91 992 038 0555 Email :
Ref. NO. : ROC / AGM – 110 30th July, 2018
The Registrar of Companies
Maharashtra State,
Marine Lines,
Mumbai – 400 020
Sub : Extension of time for holding 8th Annual General Meeting.
Dear Sir,
The Companies Act, 2013, Section 96 provides that every company other than OPC shall in each year hold an Annual General Meeting. Hence as per the Act, the company must hold its 8th AGM on or before 30th Sept, 2018, for the financial year ending 31st March, 2018.
We are sorry to inform you that our employees have been on strike since 20th June, 2018. Hence we have not been able to finalize our accounts on time. Therefore, in the given circumstances we are not in a position to hold the AGM before 30th Sept, 2018.
We, therefore, request you to grant us an extension of two months for holding the AGM i.e.
upto 30th Nov, 2018. We will be highly obliged if you grant us the extension.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Sunrise Limited
Company Secretary
Encl : Copy of Annual Report of 2016-17
2) Write a letter to MCA with regard to ticket raising.
Registered office : Moon House,
Civil Road, Vashi, Mumbai-400 709
CIN : L26942MH2010 PLC 000111
Phone : 022 – 22125745 Website : www.,
Fax no. 91 – 9920380555 Email :
Ref. No.: MCA/SC-III 1st July, 2018
Web Information Manager,
‘A’ wing, Shastri Bhawan Garage,
No- 14, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,
New Delhi – 110001
Sub : Difficulty in downloading e-form
Dear Sir,
Company needs to file form SH – 7 to intimate the Registrar of Companies about the alteration made in our Share Capital.
However, since the last two days, we are unable to download the form. The system message states ‘The File is damaged and it cannot be repaired.’
We have tried our best to resolve the issue but failed. Hence we request you to look into the matter at the earliest.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully, For Sunrise Limited
Company Secretary
Encl : Copy of the message as appearing on website
3) Write a reply to a complaint by Investor.
Registered office : Moon House,
Civil Road, Vashi, Mumbai – 400709
CIN : L26942MH 2010PLC000111
Phone : 022 2212 4745, Website : www. Fax no: 91992038 0555 Email :
Ref. No.: IC/201 2nd October, 2018
Mr. Vaibhav Joshi
102-A, Don Appts, Link Road
Matunga, Mumbai – 400029
[By Registered Post A.D.]
Sub : Non Receipt of Annual Report.
Dear Sir,
We are in receipt of your letter dated 28th Sept; 2018 regarding non -receipt of Annual Report.
As per the Companies Act, 2013, the company had sent by post to all members the notice of 8th AGM along with the Annual Report well in advance as per the address on record in the Register of Members.
It is unfortunate that you have not received the notice and the Annual Report. Hence we are once again sending you the same to the address mentioned in your letter.
Yours faithfully,
For Sunrise Limited
Company Secretary
Encl : Annual Report 2017-18
CC to : SEBI
4) Write a letter to NCLT seeking extension to time of repay Public Deposits.
SUNRISE LIMITED Phone : 022 – 22125745 Website : www. Fax no: 91 – 9920380555 Email : The National Company Law Tribunal Board, Sub : Extension of time to repay Public Deposit Dear sir, The Company had accepted Public Deposits worth ` 10 lacs on 1st Jan, 2017 for a period of two years. The Deposits are to be repaid on or before 31st Dec, 2018. However, as the company is facing severe financial problems, company is unable to repay the Deposits on the above mentioned date. The Board held a Meeting on 29th September., 2018 and passed a resolution for seeking extension from NCLT for a period of two months to repay the Deposits. Therefore, we wish to seek an extension of two months to repay it. Copy of the petition is attached in two sets. We assure you that the company will repay the Deposits on or before 28th Feb, 2019. yours faithfully , |