Quiz on Directors and Key Managerial personnel of a company

#1. A managing director can hold directorship for ……………. companies at a time.

#2. To provide guidance to the Board is ……….. duty of company secretary.

#3. A maximum of …………. directorships allowed to a person

#4. If a person of age above ………….. years is required to be appointed as Managing Director, there should be passed a special Resolution with explanatory statement attached to its notice which justifies such an appointment.

#5. Upto ……………. as maximum directors are allowed to a company

#6. ……………….. shares are those shares which a director is required to buy if articles of company states so.

#7. ………………….. is an employee of the company.

#8. ………… can be a director.

#9. …………….. is required to work under superintendence, control, guidance of the Board.

#10. Managing Director is appointed for a period of ………… years

#11. ………………….. need not be a director of the company

#12. ……………… is a unique identification number required to be a director.

#13. The total managerial remuneration payable by public company to its Directors, Managing Director etc. should not exceed …………..% of net profit in a financial year.

#14. ………….. means temporary for the moment, interim for now.

#15. …………. means the recorded proceeding of the meeting written offer its conclusion.

#16. ………….. powers are the powers given to the Board under the Act.

#17. ………….. is to be prepared in prescribed form MR – 3

#18. A maximum …………… Directorships of a public company is allowed to a person

#19. ……………….. Director having pre-decided term of appointment do not retire by rotation.

#20. ……………… are standards, a tool for good corporate governance

#21. Only a member of ………….. can be a practicing Company Secretary.

#22. ………….. need a Whole Time Director.

#23. Director represents company in his role as ……………….

#24. The …………… Secretary cannot hold office in more than one company.

#25. ………………….. comprises of a team of Director.

#26. A public company should have minimum …… directors

