Quiz on Documents related to Formation of a company

#1. Articles establishes relationship between company and ……….

#2. ……….. is a Primary document of the company which contains the aims and objectives of the company.

#3. No company under the Companies Act can be registered without ………………

#4. Unlimited companies do not mention the ……. clause in MOA

#5. ……….. acts are void or legally ineffective.

#6. The alteration in the object clause of the Memorandum of Association requires ……………

#7. For alterations in the articles ………….. resolution is required.

#8. The Domicile Clause of the memorandum of association mentions the ………………. of the company.

#9. …………. contains rules and regulations for internal management of the company.

#10. For making multiple issue of shares within a year, a company Can prepare a ……….. Prospectus.

#11. ………. is a subordinate document to memorandum

#12. …………. describes the relationship between company and outsiders

#13. Any act done by the company beyond the powers of Memorandum is called as …………..

#14. ………… clause describes the range of activities a company can undertake.

#15. ……….. is an invitation to the public to subscribe for the shares of the Company.

#16. ……….. clause contains the details of liability of the members.

#17. ………… clause states the amount of Authorised capital with which the company is registered.

#18. ………….. is an incomplete prospectus.

#19. A Memorandum must be signed by ………….. persons in case of a public company

#20. The constitution of a company is described by its …………….

