Quiz on Secretary
#1. …………… means a person’s tendency to take efforts voluntarily to complete a task.
#2. The word ‘Secretary’ is derived from the latin word ………….. which means a confidential writer
#3. Maharashtra State Co-operative Societies Act was enacted in the year …………..
#4. Secretary is a keeper of ………………..
#5. ………. means correctness in doing a work
#6. A …………… is an organization formed to promote arts, sports, social, cultural, educational activities.
#7. Secretary of Government department must be a member of the ……………..
#8. ………….. means the willingness of the Secretary to help others in attaining (achieving) the organization’s objectives.
#9. The main objective of a Co-operative Society is to ……………….. the interest of its member.
#10. In the Roman empire, the person doing secretarial work was called as ………………
#11. Minimum ……………. members are required to form a co-operative society.
#12. The concept of . …………………. was introduced in the Companies Act 2013.
#13. The Secretary of a Joint Stock Company should be a member of ………….
#14. A Secretary should have a ……………….. personality
#15. A Secretary must have the knowledge of conducting …………………..
#16. Only …………. can be appointed as a Secretary.
#17. Secretarial work is of …………… nature.
#18. A Secretary must be a ………………….. seeker.
#19. …………. means politeness and kindness.
#20. …………… is the oldest type of Secretary.
#21. It is compulsory to appoint a ……………… Secretary.
#22. …………….. means correctness
#23. A Secretary is a custodian of ……………. information.
#24. …………………. means the ability to guide, advise, inspire and motivate the subordinates.
#25. …………….. means ability to adjust oneself to the changing situations
#26. ………… means the ability of a person to handle a situation in a right manner.